Next-gen Auto Insurance Solution for Automating Claims
The client’s previous online insurance platform provided clients with immediate access to accessible auto insurance coverage options, allowing them to save up to 20% on insurance.
The company’s commitment to technological modernization was hindered by the lack of capacity to adopt claim procedures to the digital age’s requirements; the current platform just couldn’t ensure that.
- A US-based auto insurance company, one of the fastest growing companies according to Inc.500
- Web platform
While discussing the future project, the client introduced the following requirements:
Having completed the initial project within the agreed timeline, we established a trusted partnership with the client that has been lasting for years up until today.
Almost a decade after the initial project delivery, the client decided it was time to upgrade the platform to meet the changed market demands. After analyzing the client’s status quo with their claim processes, we came up with the decision suggesting a complete overhaul of their legacy infrastructure.
Initially, our team of developers and BAs spent the time to understand the client’s business goals. The goal was to quickly create a modern auto insurance product that could adapt to the client’s existing architecture.
- Instant SMS with information and a link to a detailed action plan
- Photo sharing in claims
- Chats with insurers
- Video calling
- Claim database
Legacy system upgrade was performed by the way of migrating it to the newly developed solution with a modern tech stack.
As a result, the claim process has been shortened, allowing insurers to use their time more efficiently while preserving exceptional customer service.
Results in figures:
- 300% decrease in claim processing time: up to 80% are now processed within a day (compared to 4-7 days in the past)
- An average 1.5 hours of human labor was saved per claim